An astrological Perspective
on the Economic Outlook


A lot has been said about Pluto entering the sign of Capricorn being responsible for our current economic woes, however, Pluto is a generational marker, it spends some 15 years in any given sign but it does bring profound changes when coupled with other things. Its general influence, whilst in Scorpio, was to reveal the truth about sex scandals, the effects of which carried through to when Pluto was in Sagittarius where many religious people were called to task for their actions against children in schools, orphanages and similar organizations, eventually Sagittarius justice was imposed. However, whilst Pluto was in Sagittarius it also exacerbated religious fundamentalism and we have been subjected to violence as a result of some people’s extremist religious beliefs. This was aided by Uranus in Aquarius which can bring out dictator like traits which are uncompromising, Aquarius being a fixed sign and not prone to flexibility. I expect that Pluto, whilst in Capricorn, will reveal the truth about dodgy business and government dealings and indeed it appears to be doing a fine job of it already.

Pluto tipped Capricorn in February 2008, retrograded back to Sagittarius July 2008 and then moved into Capricorn again in December 2008 where it will stay until April 2023.

If we are to look at the short term effects of today’s economic situation it is more likely the influence of Saturn opposing Uranus that is causing the problems although Pluto has a longer term agenda which is working in unison with this aspect and others. Rarely does one aspect or planet in sign cause anything, it is always a combination of influences and this makes Astrology a rather intriguing art form.

Saturn is ability, stability and authority, Uranus is about change and upheaval and so in opposition the status quo can get torn in two. Because of the retrograde motion, Saturn makes 5 passes in opposition to Uranus.

5 Nov 2008 direct at 18 Virgo
5 Feb 2009 retrograde at 20 Virgo
12 September 2009 direct at 24 Virgo
27 April 2010 at 28 Virgo
27 July 2010 direct at 0 Libra.

Although we knew of difficulties in the business and financial world because they had appeared late in 2007, the western world managed to keep a lid on it and bumble on. Pluto had been prodding for the truth since slightly before February 2008 but it was not until Saturn opposed Uranus in late October early November in 2008 before governments were forced to admit that we might be in a recession and it might be not very much fun. Uranus will level foundations which are not solid and so, for the period of this aspect influence, we will see many unexpected happenings which might just shatter our comfortable lives in various ways. No matter how Saturnian authorities try to control the situation by throwing money at problems Uranus will have its day and order will be denied until sufficient change has been facilitated.

If we consider the dates listed above we can see the beginning of admittance of economic problems worldwide and these will continue until Saturn has finished the dance with the Uranus opposition in July 2010. That is to say we will be in economic recession with our stock markets trading sideways until this time and in between here will be some more unexpected news which will probably rock our worlds (unexpected being Uranus’ influence) from time to time.

The important thing to know is that this is just a cycle, an ebb and flow or life, we have been here before and we will be here again, it may look different but things go well for a time and then adversity can set in. During the Saturn opposite Uranus phase Saturn also makes a square aspect to Pluto which will signify the falling of businesses and in some cases even governments. Anything which is not truthful and built on solid foundations is likely to flounder but even some institutions that appear to be solid will feel the tertiary effect of the current economic climate and so it will be a period of insecurity. The Saturn opposite Uranus and Saturn square to Pluto influences will be over by August 2010 and because Saturn will then be in the sign of Libra we can progress with confidence.

Whilst Saturn was in the indulgent sign of Leo (Jul 05) there was a lack of attention to detail and too much excess. When Saturn entered the sign of Virgo (Sep 07) attention began to be paid to detail but by then it was too late and we will be paying for this until Saturn settles in Libra which coincidentally is also when Saturn finishes its adverse aspects in July 2010.

It is just a cycle and it does us no harm to tighten our belts from time to time. We are developing into a race of people who want everything now so Saturn may teach us to have patience and to live with moderation and within our means. For those lamenting their reduced circumstances at least if you are reading this you are going to be better off than some, for those in third world countries who have nothing making do with less means a death sentence so be grateful for what you have and, if you are able to, try to support those who are not as fortunate as you. Remember, it is not forever and you may test skills you never knew you had. Also remember that when the good times come again you should live within your means and try to place yourself in a position where you can ride out any storms that may come in the future. The richest people are not those who have the most money but the ones who can thrive on the least.

Hazel Leung
January 2009

Articles by Hazel